Saturday, October 29, 2011

Children's Farm

Since 85% of Nathaniel's play involves animals, it's not hard to imagine that he would like a farm.  There is a children's farm about 30 minutes from our house, and we like to go around this time of year because they sell pumpkins and have extra activities beyond petting the animals.  Nathaniel was very cautious around the animals and often would stand back and silently take it all in.

Petting goat

But, his energy and enthusiasm returned when he discovered the corn pit. First, he carefully tested his environment.

corn box- getting started

Then he made a lot of "star fish," which uses the same technique one would use to make snow angels.

corn box- making star fish

Then he tried jumping off the side wall into the corn pit and thought that was the funnest thing ever. I won't go into how long he stayed in there (many kids came and went) or the bribery we had to do to get him out.

corn box- jumping


We finished off the day running through the corn maze a couple of times.

get, set, go (part2)- corn maze

Of course, on the way home Nathaniel had a lot to say about the day.


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