Friday, September 18, 2009

Recent Developments

For the last month or so, I've been meaning to put out updates on Nathaniel's developmental milestones. Sadly, I been neglecting my blogging duties, and in the mean time, Nathaniel keeps developing. Go figure. Of course, that also means I haven't been doing the best job of documenting these milestones with the camera. Here's the best I've got.

First, Nathaniel started crawling around the end of July, but he really took off the first week of August. Sadly, this is the best photo I have of him crawling, and video evidence seems to be lacking. This guy is like the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot.

Almost as soon as he started crawling, he started pulling himself up to standing. Within a week, he started trying to let go of objects and free stand. By the end of August, he was readily getting into a standing position without any assistance.

Between the beginning of August and now, he's gone from having only his 2 lower front teeth to having 3 to 4 of his top teeth come in (the 4th one keeps playing peek-a-boo). His little gummy smile has been replaced with one full of teeth. Sorry, no good photos of these, yet. Bad Daddy!

I'm probably missing some other things. We're waiting for the big "W," and on Monday one of his daycare providers predicted he'd be walking in 3 days. Although she's not technically correct, he did start taking a few steps at a time at daycare on Thursday. We got to see a few ourselves for the first time tonight. Stay tuned.


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