Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rainbow Cone

Grandma and Grandpa Howard came to Chicago for a visit this month.  Most of the time was spent building a shed, which will receive it's own post once it's finished.  When I say most of the time, I really mean all the time was spent on the shed except eating meals, a daily trip to Rainbow Cone,

and one quick trip to the park.
slide with grandma

really the only way he likes to swing


(one guess why this is one of Nathaniel's favorite shirts)

Nathaniel didn't notice the lack of activities because he was busy playing with Grandma (and Grandpa during breaks).  He still is talking about their visit.  In fact, when we left to walk to Rainbow Cone this evening he asked about Grandma and Grandpa.

1 comment:

Cleo said...

He is growing into such a fine looking boy. Love the shirt with the cars. And what memories for Grandma and Grandpa.