Monday, May 24, 2010


Nathaniel does not like when soap and/or water runs down his face during bath time.   When this happens, he will rub his eyes frantically and try to squirm away.  Now when water gets in his face, he will also say "sorry" a couple of times. I realized that was what I always said when water got on his face/eyes.  I guess there is a difference between learning a word's context and its meaning.

Nathaniel thinks burping is pretty fun.  Anytime he burps, he will proudly annouce to anyone that he "burp".  Because real burps don't happen frequently enough for his liking, he has been experimenting with fake burps.  Here is an example of what it sounds like:

1 comment:

Cleo said...

Love the fake burp!! Let's hope he keeps them at the right end of things! *<(:>)