Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lovin' the Lake

As many of you have probably noticed (and some of you have pointed out), we've been on a bit of a blog hiatus. Basically, we were either traveling or had guests for about a month since our last posting. Therefore, we have lots to write about. So, expect a flurry of blogs now that we have so much free time (Ha!).

First up, our trip to the Lake in Minnesota. This was Nathaniel's first visit to our family cottage. It was also his first chance to meet his brand new cousin Kenlyn, who was born in May.
KenlynNathaniel and cousin Kenlyn

He also had lots of fun with his big cousin, MJ.
Nathaniel and MJNathaniel and MJ Playing

Of course, he loved having 5 dogs around to play with.
Nathaniel and JesseDog by the tail

He wasn't so sure about swimming at first, but he eventually got used to the water.
First swimFirst swim part 2
First swim part 4CIMG0300

It was definitely more fun when Mommy and Daddy were in the water with him.

Mommy and Daddy even got out one evening to listen to our brother-in-law's band. We also took some silly pictures.

It was a great time, and we have lots more photos. Click here to check them out.


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