Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Living the High(chair) Life

In keeping with the "hand-me-down, rummage sale, pick-it-up-off-the-side-of-the-road" theme for obtaining stuff for Nathaniel, we have acquired a lovely highchair from one of my former students, who generously donated the chair to "Nate."

Finally, we have photos in which Nathaniel actually appears small rather than obscenely huge. As you can see, it looks very nice (click on the photo to get a closer look). It also matches our dining room furniture rather well.

Nathaniel seems quite comfortable in it, as you can gather from the photos below. We haven't started feeding him solid foods, yet, but I think both he and his mom are ready to give it a go.

Umm...I was lead to believe there would be food here.

Okay...I'm ready to start eating!


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