Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Love a Parade

On the last day or our Guy's Weekend, we went to the Southside Irish Parade here in Chicago. Kristina and I have wanted to go to this Southside tradition for several years, but we've always been away during it. Unfortunately for Kristina, this trend held true.

However, we guys were ready to take full advantage of the timing and our location. We're a mile and a half from the parade's starting point. So, Nathaniel warmed up for our trip by doing a few reps on the farm (see left).

Actually, we didn't go all the way to the beginning of the parade route. We stood about a block before the starting point. That way, we got a good view of all the floats and received various goodies without dealing with the the crush of people along the route and the rather...umm...inebriated people a bit further down.

The stroller from Aunt Stephanie was very
handy for the 3+ miles we walked. Nathaniel
found the ride to be pretty smooth and comfy.

Nathaniel received lots of goodies at the parade including
his green fireman's hat and beads. We ate his candy for him.
Like many at the parade, he preferred to hit the bottle instead.


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