Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Long Run

Well, I have completed 3 weeks of training for the marathon. For those of you who don't know how it works, I generally do 2-3 shorter runs and one long run each week.

On week 1, my long run was 8 miles. I never thought it was possible, but somehow I did it. The next week my long run was 9 miles. I planned my run so it would end at our favorite breakfast place. Maybe that's why my pace improved a bit. This week's long run was 10 miles, and I'm pleased to say I completed it at my best pace, yet...even with all the hills!! I didn't have to walk at all on any of my long runs so far.

Kristina has been my coach, trainer, alarm clock, water supplier and overall support system. On all 3 long runs, she's met me at Mile 5 with water. There is no way I could do this without her.

This week's run was particularly emotional because I'm at my favorite place in the world with my family. We're at the Lake in Minnesota, and the route around the Lake is exactly 10 miles. How's that for a coincidence?! For those of you who have never been here, going around the Lake seems like it would be more than 10 miles, so it seemed daunting.

Kristina, my mom, my sister and my 13 month old nephew met me at Mile 5 for my water break and parked at Miles 6, 7 and 8 to watch me run by them (prepared with more water in case I needed it...I didn't). When I finished, I was overcome with emotion, and walked down to the dock to see the Lake I had just run around, and a bald eagle flew by as if to congratulate me.

Then, Kristina and I stretched together on the dock while watching birds all around us. It was an amazing experience overall! I wish I could train here all summer!

Here's a map of my 10 mile route around the Lake.


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