When she was only 6 months old, I learned she had hip displaysia. Muscles were basically all that was connecting her back legs to her pelvis. To help her compensate, I put her on a walking workout program. By the time we were done, no one could tell she had a disability unless she was really tired. I think those many hours of walking marked the beginning of a tight bond between us.

and she went swimming despite being told she couldn't
From that point on, we went through a lot together: a divorce, a year apart while I did a lot of traveling, a graduate degree, numerous moves within three cities, and new additions to our family (I am eternally grateful my son got to meet her). Through those times, she was my steadfast companion and faithful guardian. No one was getting into OUR house without her say so! She took particular care to watch over Kristina; she was even more vigilant in my absence...and when I got back, it was a while before she'd let me out of her sight.
She was a lousy retriever...she only would retrieve if she was swimming, which she LOVED to do. If you threw a stick, she'd go get it. However, instead of bringing it back, she'd lie down and chew on it. Sometimes, she'd do the same with a tennis ball.
Calli had an enormous capacity for love and was enthusiastic in expressing that love. I never doubted how much she loved me. Many of us are all too familiar with her enthusiastic spin when she greeted us. I'm surprised no one has needed knee surgery. Yesterday, although she had been in great pain over the last few weeks, Calli mustered something resembling her old enthusiasm. I came home in time for Kristina to let Calli in the back door. She ran (shuffled quickly) up to me and spun around a couple of times. I carefully helped her as she tried to do her traditional plop to the floor. It had been a while since she had done that.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm crying as I write this...she has been a very special part of my life. We've experienced a lot of pain and joy together over the last 11 years. Just as she has been with me through my tough times, I (along with Kristina) was by her side today. I held her, kissed her, and told her how much I loved her. I told her to go to sleep, and the pain would be gone...and it is...at least for her. The rest of us have to wait for time to heal this wound.
To see more photos of Calli, click here. In the next few weeks, I'll be posting more of her puppy photos.
1 comment:
A fitting tribute, beautifully and heart wrenchingly written. I am crying, too.
A mother and child were discussing why animals life spans were so much shorter than ours, and the little boy said, "I know, Mommy!"
"God put us here to learn how to be good, and animals learn faster than we do."
From the mouths of babes.
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