Since we have arrived home, we have relived that event several times. The first was Sunday night when we got home. I was on the phone with my parents when Kristina started making a sound that was a cross between screaming and laughing. He had unloaded and sprayed in all four directions around the changing table. Despite Kristina's precautions (holding the diaper over the line of fire until the last minute), he shot past her defenses.
Our new defense, a washcloth placed over the offending area, only works slightly better. He wiggles a lot in his attempts to free his weapon. Even if we do manage to keep it covered, he'll sometimes fire anyway with a pool of urine forming underneath his bottom...on his clean diaper, the changing pad, his clean clothes, etc.
I won't even get into his other secret weapon, for which we are still trying to establish a successful defense.
One last unrelated we took Nathaniel for his first doctor's appointment. The doctor asked who he liked best Mommy or Daddy. I think this photo should remove all doubts regarding the correct answer to that question. ;-) Click on the photo if you need a closer look.
The proof is in the shirt. Is that t-shirt mum-approved though? :-)
I recommend a fisherman's slicker with boots and all, it makes the cleanup easier :-).
Not only did mum approve the shirt, she shot the photo...although she wasn't informed of the purpose of said photo. ;-)
oh my god - he is so cute! and looks so alert already. boys are NOTORIOUS for spraying EVERYWHERE - what a mess. thinking of you all the time kristina! let me know how you're doing when you can steal a minute!
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