Last night was bath night, which is still just a washcloth bath because his umbilical cord has not fallen off yet. Bath night is torture for everyone. Nathaniel screams, cries, kicks, and squirms. Last night was no different. After we got him dressed and settled we gave him is bed time feeding. When he was finished eating he then proceeded to vomit all over his clean clothes (and mommy). Have we ever mentioned that he hates getting is clothes changed too?
Needless to say- when I put him down to sleep I was thinking it was going to be a long night. He barely had any food left in his tummy and was making grumpy faces when I put him down. So, imagine our surprise when we woke up 7 hrs later to find a still sleeping baby! It was indeed a miracle.
Here is just a cute picture of Nathaniel sleeping:
Congrats on your new arrival! He is precious!
That's a MONEY shot! Hates getting his changed clothes just seems to make sense but you pro'lly don't want to hear that. :-(
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