Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Random Act of Kindness

Kristina and I are definitely not too proud to put our future baby in used clothes. Hand-me-downs and yard/garage/rummage sales are our new best friends. So, last weekend, we went "yard-saling" in search of baby stuff and maternity clothes. We got some pretty good bargains on baby carriers and baby clothes. One sale had tons of stuff for $0.10-$2.00.

As we searched through clothes, we picked out stuff based on the size (usually given in months) and whether it would be appropriate for the baby's age at a given time of year (no sweaters at 9 months in July). Well, most clothes have age ranges (0-3, 3-6, 6-9 months, etc.), but we encountered several that simply said 6 months or 9 months. We started debating out loud what that might mean.

Fortunately, a "mom" came to our rescue. She said she couldn't help overhearing us, and told us that it indicates the age the average baby would be growing out of the clothes. She gave us some good advice and showed us her newest baby (number 3). Anyway, we continued to plow through the piles of clothes pulling aside the ones we liked so we could compare and decide what to buy.

During our rummaging (hey, that must be how these sales got their name!), I noticed her walking away pushing her stroller. About 5 minutes later, the woman running the rummage sale told us the lady had told her to apply her change to whatever we buy so cost wouldn't keep us from getting anything we wanted. But the lady didn't want us to know until after she left. This woman we had just met bought $12.75 in baby clothes for us, and we didn't even get a chance to thank her! We were stunned!

I guess we can consider it a matching gift because we spent another $13 on clothes!

Here's our rummage sale haul from last weekend.


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