Thursday, July 14, 2011


Christopher and I went to Portland for my friend's wedding.  Overall, we had fabulous trip and the wedding was awesome.  Like New Orleans (hope to post those pictures soon), we ate and drank too much, but the cities are polar opposites which meant very different experiences.  I like traveling with Christopher because he is open to new experiences, rolls with the punches, and like me, can make the most out of any place we find ourselves.  Which is why we can equally love places as different as New Orleans and Portland.

We packed our days full, but there was always time for a beer.



Or to smell the roses (or at least to point them out).

Stopping to smell the roses

look here

And, of course, being with friends. The day was beautiful and Kim looked stunning.

Kim and Craig's Wedding

Kim and Kristina

Check out all our Portland Trip pictures.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Where did Nathaniel go?

I love the age when kids think they are "hiding" and want you to find them.  Nathaniel will hide and say, "Where did Nathaniel go?" This means he wants me to wonder out loud,  "Where is Nathaniel?" and then find him.  His favorite place to do this is in the bathtub.  He will scrunch down in the water.  Of course I can see him, and his cute little bottom will be sticking up over the edge of the tub. I love it, and it always makes me laugh.

Yesterday, I was putting away laundry, and Nathaniel was playing on our bed.  I heard the familiar, "Where did Nathaniel go?"  I look over and he is sitting on the bed with the blanket over his head.  It was too cute, so I grabbed the camera and got a short video.  Check it out:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Howard Family Visit- June 2011

We love spending time with family, and summer is the perfect time to visit Chicago.  Laura (my sister), Sheri and Brian (aunt and uncle), and my Dad came to Chicago for a week.  I promised cooler weather than Texas, but I wasn't expecting such cool weather.  We were lucky to get highs in the upper 60s.  So my advice to only pack "one pair of jeans" was a big FAIL.  It was a fun filled week, but we often forgot to bring the camera to document all our enjoyment.

We did get a couple of good shots at the Blues Festival and Zoo.

Blues Festival

I love the zoo!

And we had several cameras the day we went to the Indiana Dunes. It ended up being a gorgeous day (though still cool), and Nathaniel loved the sand, water, and throwing rocks into the water.



But it ended up being the big kids that didn't want to leave.

Serious geologists.

See all our pictures: Howard Family Visit

Y'all come back now. Ya hear?
Can I keep them?