We're sorry it's taken so long to get photos up from Christmas. Things have been busy around here. Hopefully, we'll get back on track soon. We had a nice visit to SD for Christmas. It was a bit of an adventure since we were trying to race a big snowstorm. We left a day early with no notice. We were able to get packed and on the road in 5 hours. The snow started falling shortly before we hit Sioux Falls.
A year makes quite a difference. Nathaniel was pretty much a cute, squiggly blob last year and a cute, active little boy this year (see last year's blog entries for comparison).
On Christmas Eve, Nathaniel got his first haircut. Overall things went pretty well. Kristina fed him cheese while I held him. I think it was over before he realized it had started.
The next day held lots of fun and surprises:
Other highlights for the week included:
a bath with cousin, MJ
goofing around with Grandpa
lots of yummy snacks
learning about cats
and playing with bubbles!
There are tons of other photos from the trip (especially with the bubbles) available