Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hot Wheels

A friend recently wrote on his blog about rushing their daughter home after work "so mum and dad can wrestle for her attention." We can so relate, and maybe it's true for all working parents. We only get about 1-2 hours with Nathaniel before we put him to bed. When one person is holding Nathaniel the other is hovering by for their turn. Diaper changes can involve the both of us (which btw is usually two hands too many). And when there is choice between feeding Nathaniel or doing some necessary chore- you can imagine which one we both want to do.

On a completely unrelated topic- we just got Nathaniel this super cute Hot Wheels onsie. Check him out:

Hot Wheels t-shirt


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Playing on the farm

Here is a short video clip of Nathaniel playing on his farm toy. I love how Calli is right there, but pretends not to see Nathaniel.

Monday, February 9, 2009

3 months

Nathaniel just turned 3 months old. He is busy growing and exploring the world around him. He loves to put things in his mouth- especially his hands. Speaking of hands, they are always searching for something to grab. He is learning more control every day. Nathaniel is very good about entertaining himself, but also loves to observe the world either sitting on our laps or looking over our shoulders as we walk around. Check out more of his 3 month old pictures on Flickr.

He loves his hands


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting Tired

One of the first signs that Nathaniel is getting tired is he rubs his eyes. And boy, does he really get into it.

Getting tired

getting tired, 2

getting tired, 3

getting tired, 4


Nathaniel is starting to show preferences for certain toys and one of his favorites is Frank (the turtle). He smiles whenever he sees him and is always trying to put Frank's head in his mouth. Here are some pics of Nathaniel napping with Frank.

Frank and Nate 2

Frank and Nate